
Something(s) Not Happy

Massachusetts allows you to register for an absentee ballot and vote via absentee ballot through 3 November. I registered for an absentee ballot back in September and my ballot has yet to arrive. This is possibly the most important election of my lifetime (I know, I’m young…), and unless I receive my ballot by tomorrow (I’ll be away through the elections) I won’t be able to vote. It’s not like my chosen candidate would actually win, but still… NOT COOL!

A few weeks after I arrived in Mhaswad I noticed that something was crawling on me during the night. I assumed that it was one of the numerous lizards that crawl around all over the house. Lizards are cute. I’m totally fine with lizards. They woke me up, but I easily drifted back to sleep.

A few weeks ago, however, I actually SAW what was crawling on me, and it was NOT a lizard. It was a rat. For a month I had rats crawling on me (several times each night) during my sleep. I don’t mind seeing rats, but having rats run over my body while I’m sleeping is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous!

The solution was for me to switch rooms while my room was being sprayed. The room that I switched to also had a rat running around so then I switched to a third room without incident... until last night.

I was almost asleep in the third room when I felt something moving, opened my eyes, and saw a rat right next to my head staring directly at me. I had a mini flip-out session and then moved to the second room where I saw a plate of old food that one of the boys left on the desk (I was furious). About half an hour later I woke up to a rat running all over me. So I switched to a different bed in the third room (since my first room was still getting the most rats) and slept with the lights on, waking up every fifteen minutes at the slightest sound or the smallest hint of movement.

Tonight I will sleep outside.


Sarah Richardson said...

Hey Suz!

Wow, those are indeed two not happy things :( It's not consolation, but remember that tons more people are probably voting this election!

Diwali sounds awesome, and I hope you enjoy Kerala!

Lady Lust said...

Ahhh! I'm sorry Suz. I hope you get to rest rat-free for the few days you are in Kerala. And then I hope they are all gone by the time you get back.

Lady Lust said...

cool-i just noticed that your time it is now "november 1 at 2:22AM"!!! hahah

happy halloween!

Unknown said...

All I can say is ... good thing you had previous experience with vermin. I am referring to our trip to Stowe VT and the bats ... you remember? Hope your rat problem is long gone by now.
Love You - Auntie Sussy